Rain Gutter Regatta

Saturday, November 9, 2024
9AM - 11AM
Merton Primary Cafeteria
Arrive at 8:45AM to check in your boat.

How It Works:
Your Scout will be given a Regatta boat kit by his Den leader. Your Scout should work with you to assemble the boat in accordance with the Rules as outlined below. On Race Day, the Scouts will race against Scouts in the same age group. The goal is to be the first to blow their blow down a Rain Gutter using a straw.

Set-up / Clean-up & Running of the Event: Wolf Den 

The Regatta Rules:
To ensure that the race is as fair as possible, all boats must be made from the BSA Rain Gutter Regatta kits. However, the materials supplied in the kit can be modified or added to somewhat, but only as follows: